yawning income gap in Indonesia
Dana Hasibuan ;
A researcher at the International NGO Forum
on Indonesian Development
POST, 10 April 2014
For the last 10 years, poverty reduction has been considered one
of the most pertinent issues in Indonesia’s development policies. This is in
line with the commitment to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals, which
aim to halve the number of people living on less than US$1 a day, according
to the UNDP.
In its 2011 report, the National Development Planning Board
(Bappenas) claimed that this particular goal had been accomplished.
And while such an achievement deserves credit, it is high time
to push the boundaries one step further by addressing the issue of
A study published by the Institute for Public Policy Research
posits two pivotal reasons why we need to broaden our development agenda
through incorporating the notion of inequality. The first is intertwined with
inequality in terms of income disparity.
In the last 10 years, Indonesia’s economic growth has
accelerated to over 4-6 percent, a GlobalEdge study reported. One of the
tangible impacts of such growth is a significant increase in gross domestic
product (GDP), which in 2012 amounted to approximately $878 billion, the
World Bank reported.
This positive trend should not make us complacent because the
ugly truth is that our society is becoming more unequal. Based on the latest
report, our Gini index — which reflects income disparities, with 0 indicating
perfect equality and 1 showing perfect inequality — has been steadily rising
from 0.37 in 2012 to 0.41 in 2013 (The Jakarta Post, Feb. 7, 2014).
A recent study by the International NGO Forum on Indonesian
Development (INFID) in some regions found a sheer gap in income. For example,
the monthly minimum wage in Jakarta, which is set at approximately Rp 2.5
million (US$221), is highly incomparable to the salary of a CEO of a
state-owned enterprise, who earns Rp 250 million per month.
Such a condition is exacerbated by our tax system, which hurts
not only the poor but also the middle class. In 2010, revenue collected from
income tax (PPh, Article 21) nationwide was Rp 55.3 trillion. This figure
stands in contrast to the revenue collected from the private income of
non-employee/entrepreneurs (PPh articles 25/29), which only stood at Rp 3.6
trillion, according to a 2012 study by the Prakarsa research center.
The latter figure certainly raises serious questions considering
that the wealth of the top 40 richest people in Indonesia totals Rp 680
trillion, as Prakarsa stated. The unjust list could go on extensively, but
the main message here is clear: while our middle class is upholding its duty
in working hard and paying income tax, there is a small group of super elite
that has been accumulating enormous wealth and being taxed incredibly low.
The second inequality is related to structural inequality. In this context,
structural inequality hampers a person or a group’s opportunity or outcome to
live a life they consider to be of value (Sen, 2002).
The global audience’s attention to structural inequality has
been increasing rapidly as empirical evidence indicates that current
development programs so far have only been successful in improving the
average outcomes around a range of basic needs but leaving further behind
groups and individuals that are the poorest and most excluded, such as the
disabled, religious minorities and indigenous communities, according to the
In Indonesia, poverty alleviation initiatives clearly
demonstrate such an occurrence. The Mandiri National Community Empowerment
Program (PNPM Mandiri) has been praised for utilizing a community-based
approach in creating more secure and sustainable employment and delivering
resources directly to the community to alleviate poverty in rural areas.
Nevertheless, an evaluation study on PNPM Mandiri identifies the
program’s failure to incorporate marginal groups’ aspirations, mainly because
entrenched inequalities have not been acknowledged let alone overcome, such
as discrimination on the basis of identity, a study by the AKATIGA research
center revealed in 2010.
The impact is devastating when we perpetuate discrimination
because this means someone is almost predetermined to be impoverished simply
because the social or physical traits of a person places them in a
subordinate position within society.
This is a disturbing fact also speaking from an economic
perspective as we are losing a potential 3 to 7 percent of total GDP when we
exclude persons with disabilities from the workforce, according to figures of
UNICEF last year.
There is a series of measures that can be taken to improve our
current situation. Within the context of income disparity, the tax bracket
needs to be expanded.
At present, anyone who earns above Rp 500 million per year is
subjected to tax of only 30 percent of total income. With the surge of wealth
as highlighted above, two layers need to be added — people who make a profit
of a minimum Rp 1 billion per year should be taxed 35 percent and those
making a profit of Rp 5 billion per year should be taxed 45 percent.
The second measure is advancing data of potential revenue that
can be collected from tax. The government should aim to raise the tax ratio —
the government’s real capability to collect revenue from tax— of 1 percent
every year.
Currently, our tax only accounts for 12 percent of total GDP
whereas ideally, as a middle income country, tax should contribute 19 percent
to GDP, as reported by INFID.
For structural inequality, policymakers at the local and
national levels need to recognize that welfare deprivation cannot be
separated from political, economic, cultural and social discrimination as
they overlap and intersect.
Yet at the same, discrimination cases are viewed as part of the
sheer complexity of this country’s past, present and future and have placed
different groups along different historical discriminatory relationships.
Therefore, it is the government’s duty to ensure that multiple
barriers are dismantled so that people’s aspirations and hopes can be
realized. The upcoming presidential election would be the perfect momentum to
push our future leaders to start devising policies to realize equality and
justice. ●
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